Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Simple steps to eradicating Scorpions from your home

How easy is it to get rid of Scorpions?

Easier than you think if you have the right products!

1) Purchase a Gallon of Nature's Defender, a sprayer  and a quart of Nature's Defender PCO Choice, and Diatomaceaus Earth or D.E.
2) Spray the interior baseboards and doors with Nature's Defender PCO Choice, don't forget to spray any openings leading into the interior walls, such as around pipes as well as around the entire perimeter inside of the garage. (1 quarts worth will satisfied the needs of a 3000 sq/ft home, allowing for 4 interior applications using Nature's Defender)
3) Wait 3 days, allowing any Scorpions residing within the walls to vacate the home.
4) Using the PCO Choice Concentrate, mix 4oz with a gallon of water into a garden sprayer. Spray the exterior foundation of your home using a wide spray setting. (1 quart of PCO will render 8 gallons of pesticide)
5) For added protection, use D.E. to create a solid line around your home, about two finger widths thick. Don't forget the garage!

And that's it. Protection lasts 1-2 months.

The only time you will see a scorpion is if you forget to spray.

Notes of Caution:
1) Do not spray around Exotic Pet Birds.
2) Do not spray around pet snakes, insects, or rodents.
3) Use a mask when working with D.E.
4) Do not Spray Nature's Defender on plants as it will cause phyto-toxic burn to the plant. Instead, use PCO Choice around plants as it does not cause this effect.

Keep in mind, not only will Cedar Oil cure your scorpion problem, but all pest problems, including the repelling of vipers such as Rattlesnakes.

For more information, email us via this link <Contact Us>

Please note we currently sell only to the Phoenix Metro area.
For more details, click here.

Please don't use the email links seen immediately below as that acct is old.

VV           VV           VV          VV

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